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Even more disturbing is the 11 percent drop in the number of otter pups compared with last year.
Particularly encouraging in the current survey was the fact that the number of otter pups increased by almost 14 percent.
Until then, otter pups spend all of their time with their mothers.
The number of sea otter pups, which represent the future of the species, is down 11 percent.
This was the first otter pup birth at the Detroit Zoo in nearly 50 years.
He said: 'A baby sea otter pup got a hold of a plastic cookie wrapper and tried to eat it.
For awhile, in the effort to keep up the population, abandoned sea otter pups were hand raised by human surrogate mothers.
This is exacerbated by the fact that for the first three months of life, otter pups cannot swim or dive effectively.
Mother otters have one pup at a time and sea otter pups are dependent on their mothers for an average of 6 to 7 months.
The latter include bald eagles (a significant cause of otter pup death), killer whales and sharks.
These otter pups are doing their rebellious best to get past their mother as they fall victim to the lure of the water.
And as for those gorgeous, glossy sea otter pups, well, you’d better stay tuned with a box of Kleenex, folks.
Izaak Walton's 1653 book describes otter pups, three to four months old, being domesticated and trained.
Each otter pup weighs approximately five ounces.
An orphan sea otter pup cries noisily until keepers join him in the pool for a swim.
Very occasionally, they have been known to prey on northern fur seals, harbor seals, and sea otter pups.
Skinner had rolled his truck after swerving to miss an otter pup on the Tamiami Trail.
And don't miss the newest arrivals - 10 spirited freshwater otters, including two African spotted neck otter pups.
The surrogate mother of an orphaned sea otter pup who recently arrived at the New York Aquarium tells all.
At the Monterey Bay Aquarium an ambitious program to raise abandoned sea otter pups was designed to teach the otters everything they would have learned from their mothers.
Another example comes from Monterey Bay, where the local news media give expansive coverage to stranded California sea otter pups rehabilitated by the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
The female's name is "Asia," proposed by Jackie Class of Gainesville who submitted "Asia" and "Minor" when said when she heard the otter pups were Asian.
Sea otter pups display a propensity for manipulating objects between their paws and regularly pound rocks and little bits of coral against their bodies in a random and curious manner.
In the spring of 2013, the zoo's aging coral reef exhibit was removed to be replaced with an additional classroom, and three river otter pups were added to the zoo, bringing the population to five.
This special follows Ms. McTurk on just another day in her calling for the past 20 years: rescuing orphaned otter pups (right), rearing them herself and reintroducing them back into the wild.