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The Shadow saw that the white thing was an outspread hand.
The fish are all wider than my outspread hand.
Finally, several areas on the leading edges of the craft's two huge, outspread wings.
On the table beside the sullen man lay outspread newspapers.
In the front seat sat a mystery man whose features were covered with an outspread newspaper.
A green icon of an outspread hand floated before each of them.
He held his hand up to flash five outspread fingers-once, twice, three times.
The outspread hand of Fatima is believed to have a double potency.
It fell, its vast wings outspread crumpled and helpless on the earth.
More on impulse than common sense, I placed my outspread hand in his face and gave a mighty heave.
It was as big as an outspread hand.
Conan gently cradled his forehead on an outspread hand.
It was livid and lumpy, and about the size of my outspread hand.
Before him, the outspread city was rapidly lighting up, and lay like a constellation in the deepening dusk.
A puncture mark wider than my outspread hand.
It was the loud rattle of the shifting locomotive that made those outspread thugs turn about.
He had swung noiselessly from the garage roof to the outspread branch of an oak.
Charles halted his army after discovering this and tried to organize his fairly outspread men.
Their huge maple leaves, larger than an outspread hand, formed a curtain that hid the clearing from the area to the east.
The cabby did not see the glitter of a tiny flashlight that was blocked by an outspread newspaper.
Outspread mobsters had sought to down The Shadow within their cordon.
Durand's face wasn't visible behind the outspread newspaper, which was fortunate.
The bed is huge, with a headboard carved from oak to resemble a pair of immense, outspread wings.
The company logo is a modified version of the city logo, an Oak tree with wide outspread roots.
He fell on his outspread hand, then, with a swing sideways and a bound, once more he stood upon his feet.