Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
One of the ten overall recommendations in The world health report 2001.
But I will try whatever looks good though and give you my overall recommendations, ok?
There is a lack of reliable and published data for making overall recommendations based on costs.
Generally, the evaluation report will feature an overall recommendation on the course of action to be taken.
I believe our solutions are entirely consistent with the overall recommendations.
Its overall recommendations are generally consistent with the conclusions reached by the Program management team.
I believe these overall recommendations will strengthen our long-term ability to provide Washington students with a quality college education."
In the 21st century, the latest overall recommendations on an international system of radiological protection appeared.
Overall Recommendation The completion of the environmental scan every year.
• and an overall recommendation with respect to the candidate's suitability for the program.
Our overall recommendations are presented in Section 4.0.
However, they gave the game an overall recommendation based on its slow-paced strategy gameplay.
My overall recommendation regarding these books is twofold.
Our overall recommendations focused on across-the board employment graduate recruitment and career progression.
However, they praised the combo system and character design and gave both versions an overall recommendation.
Recommendation 22 To develop a strategy to ensure that adequate resources are allocated for the implementation of the overall recommendations.
We do not have a specific overall recommendation with respect to airlift limitations, other than to recognize the implications for concurrent operations.
But the overall recommendation emerging from the interviews is that a complimentary industrial strategy is needed for the new media sector.
This note outlines how some of the thinking outlined in the paper might be developed in the context of our overall recommendations.
Stakeholders were consulted during the process, providing input through the working groups. The committee gave highest priority to the following overall recommendations:
But the report shows Riga beating most convergence criteria by a significant margin, making it unlikely the commission will change the overall recommendation.
In spite of this, all respondents grade these resources with the highest overall recommendation as per PR:
The LEA is not therefore making an overall recommendation, rather offering the above information for schools to make a judgment within their own context.
However, our overall recommendations are:
Overall recommendations on women in rural areas Report of the Economic and Social Council (1990):