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He was going to have to get out of the water or risk overburdening his heart.
It's not good to overburden the American people with too much complicated information.
Such communities also add to the tax base but do not overburden local services like schools.
While the intention is good, does this not risk overburdening the system?
That means you'll be on only one in five nights and that's not overburdening you.
She stopped for a moment, as if the basket were overburdening her, and put it down.
I hope I'm not overburdening you,' he said to the newcomer.
It would give young tourists a clear sense of European history without overburdening them.
And it is also why we should not make life difficult for our entrepreneurs by overburdening them with legislation.
I'll leave it to your better judgment not to overburden yourself."
Resist the temptation to overburden your notes with too much information.
This year, officials are limiting the number of transfers, saying they did not want to overburden other schools.
This model was designed to meet the comprehensive needs of the students without overburdening volunteers.
So many migrants leave their homes looking for work they overburden the rail system.
A key concern is that such development not overburden municipal services, particularly roads and schools.
Otherwise, I should like to say that we must not overburden monetary policy with responsibilities.
Besides, it was useless to overburden themselves for the few days the journey would last.
Many supplies were abandoned in order not to overburden the remaining animals.
And, program administrators say, they did not want to overburden a few guidance counselors, as many other schools have.
The agenda, officials said, will not overburden city taxpayers.
There is a possibility of overburdening the system if you flood it all at once."
The idea is for government to make a difference without overburdening citizens or business with yet more government across the board.
You cannot use the term 'light touch' all the time and then overburden business.
One cannot ask our industry to rise rapidly to the level of world competitiveness and at the same time overburden it with new costs.
When both ride, they are berated for overburdening their beast.