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One overeater lost weight but ran up her credit cards at the same time.
We also needed a chronic overeater, about 20 years old."
Why would this convince an average overeater that the Craig program works?
Are you an overeater or coping with an eating disorder?
I am an alcoholic, a drug addict and an intermittent overeater.
Mrs. Febres, the diabetic overeater, asked if there was any rice.
The rationalizations sound at times like an overeater's contention that potato chips really do count as a vegetable.
He had been hypnotized and had gone to three meetings of Overeater's Anonymous.
In a hastily called press conference following the explosive announcement that she's ending her career as a professional overeater, Potter said today:
I'm a compulsive overeater.
One overeater who was not anonymous is James Buchanan Brady, or Diamond Jim.
"We didn't see it coming," said Dr. Sacker, a former compulsive overeater who has been treating patients with eating disorders for 27 years.
For the compulsive overeater, the ingestion of trigger foods causes release of the neurotransmitter, serotonin.
Superintendent Richard Selena of Marseille Police, is a compulsive overeater.
Dan Roundtree (Del Pentecost) is a novelist and compulsive overeater.
Compulsive overeating usually leads to weight gain and obesity, but not everyone who is obese is also a compulsive overeater.
"You can't go cold turkey," said Dr. Reynolds, explaining that asking a compulsive game player to quit would be like asking an overeater to stop eating.
She is "a kind of pioneer," she says, "an overeater and overstater, a gourmandizer of the grand manner" who is "abrasive, strident and obnoxious."
David Anthony Higgins as Harry (Season 3-present, recurring previously), a friend of Mike and Molly's, who attends the same Overeater's Anonymous meetings.
The odd angles and relative sizes of the overlapping bodies and objects and the sloppily applied, drippy paint adds to the gluttonous feel of this overeater's banquet.
First-time attendees of Overeater's Anonymous, Diet Center and Weight Watcher's diet programs interviewed in Manhattan last week were generally optimistic about swearing off indulgences.
Suppose, I thought, he is a chain-smoker, light sleeper, overeater, manic-depressive, glib talker, deep/shallow thinker, flesh fancier... No one with that body, that face, could be otherwise.
The Overeater (original title: L'Outremangeur) is a 2003 French-language film directed by Thierry Binisti and starring former footballer Éric Cantona.
Although she had been a self-described "emotional overeater" for most of her life, the naturally slim Moodley had never been concerned about her weight, nor had she ever purged after her binges.
The song attacks an overeater, the overeater being, in the allegorical minds of an allegorically rich country, a member of the less than popular Government of President Rene Preval.