"overlook" in Polish — inglés-Polish dictionary | Mirar "overlook" in inglés

overlook , **

  1. przeoczyć (np. detal, błąd) [TRANSITIVE]
    You can't overlook anything when you're looking for the truth.
    He overlooked a misspelled word.
  2. przymknąć, przymknąć na coś oko (np. złamanie zasad, złe zachowanie) [TRANSITIVE]
    This time, I can overlook his bad behaviour.
    Will you overlook my mistake?
  3. wychodzić na coś, górować, wznosić się nad czymś (np. okno, wzgórze) [TRANSITIVE]
    The window in the room overlooks the sea.
    The tower overlooked the city.
  4. pominąć, pomijać, nie dostrzegać (np. osoby, problemu) [TRANSITIVE]
    We should not, however, overlook consumers who make their own choices about food.
    We must not overlook the matter of teaching tolerance.
  5. nadzorować
    I'm overlooking the school dance tomorrow.
    My father will overlook our trip.
  6. sprawdzać, przeglądać
    I overlooked my student's papers and they all look good.
    You must overlook today's papers!

overlook ,

  1. punkt widokowy (np. na zboczu klifu)  AmE

Frases relacionadas — "overlook"

look = wyglądać +4 significados
look = spojrzenie, spoglądanie (czynność) +6 significados
overlooking = przeoczenie (np. detalu, błędu) +3 significados
look = spójrz, zobacz +1 significado
phrasal verb