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I have trouble getting to sleep and oversleep the next morning.
The following morning they oversleep and are late for their wedding.
Other medical conditions, including depression, can cause people to oversleep.
"Is it one in the morning, or did I oversleep?"
It may be that underlying health problems cause some people to oversleep.
Is oversleeping getting in the way of your day?
She also has a large appetite and a tendency to oversleep on school days.
We warned him not to oversleep - our rooms are on the floor below.
And if that didn't give him an excuse to oversleep, what would?
Clemens was not in the best humor because I had allowed him to oversleep.
After a long night of drilling, they oversleep and almost miss the ceremony.
Then I oversleep and get a train around 11.
Everything is under control, but I just wanted to make sure you didn't oversleep."
"A lot of kids cut class because they oversleep.
Sandy would rise early, afraid of oversleeping for his exams.
But then I should be sure to oversleep myself and be late for breakfast.
"I've been known to oversleep a time or two," Ivan admitted.
"After drugging poor Iris the night before to make sure she'd oversleep."
His sore legs and back would see to it that he didn't oversleep.
We could continue to oversleep in the morning.
'You'll have to go to bed much earlier if you oversleep like this.
Then, of course, she overslept-although, for her, oversleeping meant rising around seven.
She was so worried about oversleeping that she awakened on her own at 2:30.
"I didn't want you to oversleep and miss your one o'clock.
They oversleep and miss the next day's breakfast.