A set, together with pillow shams and a duvet, all of which Lisa had put on the bed for the occasion.
A brightly colored quilt, which comes in all bed sizes, is $29.99 to $49.99; pillow shams are $12.99 each.
Late Victorian pillow shams cost around $85 each, linen sheets start at $145 and table runners range from $15 to $95.
The same fabric continued in the dust ruffle and ruffled pillow shams, stacked three deep.
Matching pillow shams, $250 each, are also available.
The cover is $600; pillow shams are $115.
There are a limited number of people that you'd want buying you your pillow shams or your rugs.
A torn lace bureau cover begs to be bought and recycled into a pillow sham.
Craving diversity, I have started collecting embroidered pillow shams and sheets.
In Plaid, a comforter cover is $54.99; a pillow sham is $21.99.