Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
That is why we put forward our package of proposals to fight discrimination only two months after taking office last year.
Ladies and gentlemen, in my report I have put forward a package of proposals.
We have a package of proposals which make up a coherent and reasonable immigration policy.
Two broad concerns give a certain coherence to their package of proposals for change.
Although no outcome can be predicted with certainty, the countries are now working from one package of proposals.
We have a package of proposals which should make us much more effective in combating fires.
He said he was preparing to present the package of proposals this week.
He said the package of proposals to be presented next month would have as its goal "the transition to a controlled market" in 1991.
I will not claim We had the whole package of proposals last week from the Commission.
As regards the package of proposals that we are considering, four fundamental questions arise.
The package of proposals on future Financial Perspectives is an excellent example.
What I have to say is that the Commission has presented a package of proposals for economic governance.
Last year, the Republican-dominated Senate rejected a similar package of proposals.
The Administration is preparing a package of proposals scheduled to be released next month for overhauling the banking system.
"If somebody authorized by Moscow to negotiate presented us with a package of proposals including this, we could have a discussion," he said.
He has sent Congress an appealing package of proposals to enhance American competitiveness in world trade.
The package of proposals will boost competition while at the same time improving security of supply.
As I have already mentioned, each report and package of proposals will be submitted to Parliament for its opinion.
Not surprisingly, then, their package of proposals for constitutional change has much in common with the perspective set down in the last section.
But so far all he has fleshed out is a visionary package of proposals to revive American competitiveness in the world.
That is why the Commission has come to us with a radical new package of proposals for reform of the common fisheries policy.
I know that my package of proposals designed to remedy the problems in the beef market is the subject of controversy.
It is called the "Shamir initiative" - a package of proposals he has put forward.
Arriving in Philadelphia, the Commission sent a package of proposals to Congress.
That is the first and perhaps most important part of the package of proposals that I tabled before you today.