Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Very high packing density, but it has long access times.
Records can be added of course, but this will increase the packing density.
This number is a measure of the local packing density around a given residue.
This is referred to as a high packing density.
This is conjectured to be the precise packing density of 1342.
These devices make possible the high packing densities of modern integrated circuits.
Structures are known which exceed the close packing density for radius ratios up to 0.659786.
You will also have to make some determination of the packing density of the flour.
Let the packing density be p and the number of records per bucket be r.
The packing density is not usually critical, but the additional space used does have an effect on file timing, which will be examined later.
Decide on a packing density for the file.
In general, consecutive spill should be considered for low packing densities and/or very large bucket sizes.
This expression shows that local packing density makes a significant contribution to expected fluctuations of residues.
Similarly, the cause may be gross changes in the diameter or packing density of the axon.
In addition, this measure gives a potentially better packing density than conventional indexing techniques.
In other words packing fraction defines the packing density.
They form stacks of parallel sheets close to the cytoplasmic membrane with a low packing density.
Fred was a founding influence for the packers, who built on his observations about packing density, areas, and volumes.
We shall look at ways of choosing a more suitable packing density in more detail later (see p. 172).
Usually during shipping, the container will be bumped numerous times, which will increase the packing density.
The units can be stored one on top of the other, and placed in a random attitude to obtain the specified packing density.
While the circle has a relatively low maximum packing density of 0.9069 on the Euclidean plane, it does not have the lowest possible.
Most produce contains potassium-40, but packing density of fruits and vegetables is too low to produce a significant signal.
Packing densities of concave shapes such as star polygons can be arbitrarily small.
The results tabulated here show that, for low packing densities, the most effective technique is generally chained overflow.