Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
In 40 years on the job, he never received a day of paid vacation.
They're probably used to 6 weeks a year of paid vacations.
After 20 years, workers receive four weeks of paid vacation a year.
The state does not provide for sick pay or paid vacation days.
"They come out of retirement and get a paid vacation."
But too often the free trips are simply paid vacations.
Some people choose to regard these four weeks as a paid vacation.
I look forward only to a completed mission and a paid vacation.
In private industry, paid vacation benefits were available to only 37 percent of part-time workers.
He felt guilty about leaving the medical staff alone, but they knew this was no paid vacation.
It's nice, easy work, a good way to get what amounts to a paid vacation.
He had a dispute with another employer about paid vacations.
The external ones, like any employee, have five weeks of paid vacations.
I get ten weeks' paid vacation, excellent pension and medical plan.
The furloughed workers are not on any paid vacation, as some might think.
Fully employed French workers average about seven weeks of paid vacation a year.
Only 56 percent of the part-timers reported getting any paid vacation time.
And only in America is a paid vacation a voluntary affair, not required by law.
Full-time employees are entitled to six weeks of paid vacation.
They did not receive employee benefits like health insurance or paid vacation.
Lowe tried, several times, to put a positive spin on his paid vacation.
The next revolution came in 1936, when the French government instituted paid vacations.
The company has also pulled in workers with its benefits: health insurance, paid vacation and sick days.
Everyone around me is getting raises, paid vacations, free eyeglasses.
We'll just go off and risk our lives somewhere while you take your grand paid vacation."