Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
There is one painless way to pay for a tax cut.
It would be painless, especially for such a small person.
He would try to make her death painless and quick.
No, it would have to be something quick, certain and painless.
Here's another way that is just as painless: leave your computer on.
So in this case, for me, going from 11 to 12 was painless.
"This was thought to be a kind of painless way to do it."
But somehow I think these people died a painless death.
The procedure takes only a few minutes and is painless.
"My hope for him is that he lives a painless life," she said.
The experience would be painless, one had to think, and probably pleasant.
The war had taken another turn, and they were out of painless choices.
Most had not been designed to bring about a quick and painless death.
The word came back that the procedures were far from painless.
Running had become painless enough, now, that it left his mind free for other thoughts.
When given to humans, the drug can give them a painless death in under one hour.
Not quite so painless for me - although I had felt it coming, that night at the station.
Maybe why she gets a quick and relatively painless death.
The process is not painless, but the forms are widely available.
Having your blood pressure measured is painless and takes just a few minutes.
I know that for millions of women it must be an easy, painless decision.
Political power can be pretty attractive, particularly if getting it's painless.
They are quite painless, and will knock you out for ten hours.
It is painless, so you do not need to take pain medicine.
The main test for high blood pressure is simple, fast, and painless.