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None of these palliatives is likely to help soon, however.
The only thing I can do appears to be give them palliatives.
But these palliatives are much too small and badly targeted.
To even contemplate such questions, we are going to have to ignore palliatives.
"Our emphasis is that certain technical palliatives make a building more secure."
Private and public efforts have provided, at best, palliatives.
But they may have palliatives to improve his lot.
"Chicago," on the other hand, settles for none of these palliatives.
We need our own resources, therefore, not just palliatives.
Responses to this disaster also need to be more than mere palliatives.
All other talks are palliatives that will not lead to lasting solution.
All the palliatives he describes depend on the dubious success of the last one.
In the short run, we may muddle through by using some costly financial palliatives.
Palliatives are indeed needed for the disaster, but the causes need to be addressed first of all.
Official moves to alleviate the worst conditions were little more than palliatives.
In a curious way, such explanations act as palliatives.
These very palliatives, however, had also removed the stimulants to technical progress.
I take no palliatives now, whatever my state.
Expedients like this were palliatives, most useful to meet short-term needs.
There is no cure, and palliatives work only temporarily.
That is why mere palliatives cannot be enough.
No one should be deluded into thinking that palliatives can bring stability or economic takeoff.
Yet such steps are likely to be only temporary palliatives, because countries with the pool of workers are getting old, too.
Otherwise, I'd be making a post mortem instead of prescribing palliatives for her.
Valuable time has been lost fiddling with short-term palliatives.