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The central strip is more firmly fixed in place by two or three panel pins.
The metal 5 panel pinned Pratt through truss bridge was built in 1891.
He was hammering panel pins into the wall.
I wanted to know that every second we were by the tanks, the eraser was still covering that panel pin.
Each truss consisted of sixteen eye-bar panels pinned together.
The panel pin that was attached flat to the dial had maybe an inch and a half to travel before connecting with its vertical twin.
Soldered flat on to the timer unit was a small panel pin, protruding like a minute hand beyond the dial of the Parkway.
Away to one side were the grey and blue walls of composite hangars, faded with age, stained by streaks of rust from the panel pins.
Levering out the panel pins, he eased the pane from the frame and the stale trapped air inside the house came at him like a train.
The three pieces of timber that form the mitre box are nailed together, and the top steadying pieces are fixed with smaller panel pins.
When these two holes are lined up just push a panel pin or maybe a nail or matchstick or something else suitable into the two holes.
Skew nailing is also a technique used by other woodworkers, for example a drawer or box can be glued and skew-nailed with finer nails or panel pins.
Another panel pin, which had also been emery clothed, was sticking out from the bottom of the box, between the Parkway timer and the battery at the 0 on the Parkway dial.
Many panel pins were not connected to the structure at all and many of the bradawl holes necessary to equalize pressure between the inside of the wing and the outside were missing entirely.
Chapman was right to see it as a sacred space - sacred to order in a disordered world, a place where old jam jars keep the bolts from the screws, the nails from the panel pins.
The asteroid's southern end was sliding by outside the windscreen, ribbed thermal-dump panels pinned to the brown-grey rock by enormous pylons, a maze of yellow and blue thermal shunt conduits laid out underneath.
The method used (and you may well think of a better one!) is to drive two brass gimp or panel pins into the panel on each side of each of the l.e.d.s such that the l.e.d. wires can be looped around (no tightness here) and be soldered to the pins rather as Fig. 6 shows.