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The line "Just a jumped up pantry boy who never knew his place."
Pantry boy, I understand.
He was the product of some village near by and was there on his promotion, having learned the service in one or two houses as pantry boy.
There are 36 staff bungalows, a block of eight flats and quarters for junior administrative staff, cooks, and pantry boys.
Nissan has had a Cedric and a Pantry Boy, though not in UK markets.
Our pantry boy - ex-pantry boy, I should say, and now your faithful shadow and worshipper from afar.' '
Biting her lip, Catherine surveyed the army of servants, from the pantry boy cleaning the floor to the scullery maid tottering under an armload of dirty pots.
Chauffeurs, footmen, under-butler, pantry boys, hall boy, odd man and steward's-room footman take their meals in the servants' hall, waited on by the hall boy.
But the good ones are always trying to improve themselves... and if I don't promote them to pantry boy or assistant cook or whatever, soon they go across the street to somebody who will.
The controversy was heightened due to the concurrent case of Henry Jacoby, an eighteen-year-old working class pantry boy who had murdered a 65-year-old titled lady, Lady White, and was hanged.
Everyone stopped to stare: the maids peeling mounds of potatoes, Mrs. Earnshaw stirring the huge kettle of spiced punch on the range, the pantry boy staggering under a platter of plucked quail.
Ordinarily a pantry boy comes to remove the food wagon; this time the two Marias took it out the service entrance and as far as the service lift-and in the course of it I learned something interesting but not really surprising.
When things were going right you could never form any idea of all the personnel involved, the bell boys, the pantry boys, the waiters, the invisible workers backstage who were never seen - it was quite a job to keep a place like this functioning properly.
Milburn left school at fourteen and, telling his father that he was too claustrophobic to follow him into coal-mining, he found employment stacking shelves and filling sugar bags on eight-shillings a week after an abortive spell as a pantry boy in London.
The line "A jumped-up pantry boy who never knew his place" is borrowed from the 1972 film adaptation of Anthony Shaffer's 1970 homoerotic play Sleuth, in which Laurence Olivier plays a cuckolded author to Michael Caine's 'bit of rough'.
It was lit by hundreds of candles in a great crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and since this had been unswathed from its holland covering three days before so that both footmen and the pantry boy could wash and polish its lustres, it sparkled like a collection of mammoth diamonds.
He planned the villa on generous proportions so as to provide accommodation for his guests and for his large domestic staff which included cooks, food tasters, torch bearers, pantry boys, wig makers, a winder of the clocks, and physicians, as well as a baker to make black bread for feeding his hunting dogs.