Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
As a result, people can read into some papal words what they want to hear.
With this move, the city began again to side for the papal party.
What has changed since the last papal visit in 1982?
A papal visit would serve both the right and the need well.
The papal authorities still have some control over the administration.
I have never yet been surprised by a papal vote.
But even a papal statement is not likely to close the debate.
By now, his age, 76, might tell against him as a papal candidate.
A neat papal view, for the period, of what America was all about.
The papal visit is scheduled at a short 26 hours.
Whatever else it may be, a papal visit is a media event.
His office of papal delegate came to an end in 1253.
The Church offered the public free access to all papal events.
There were two reasons for this change in Papal politics.
From then the case continued at the papal court in Rome.
It seemed to be something about a routine papal letter.
Within a short time, however, the papal troops had the better of the situation, and managed to take the building.
He joined the papal guards at the age of 21.
It may take time to learn the full meaning of this papal visit.
From 1660 to 1674 he was the papal commissioner for ancient art.
Young Daniel felt special long after the papal visit had ended.
A further period of imperial and papal conflict seemed likely.
He also served as a papal and a royal judge.
Charles I brought in reforms seen as a return to papal practice.
He received papal approval for the move before 21 April 1073.