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We are all going to have to get used to a new paradigm.
We're saying we've got to change the paradigm, return the power back to the states.
He's a paradigm for his parents' relationship, as most children are.
These women have no specific name for their new paradigm.
There is a new paradigm for public art in this country.
In our study, we found that this paradigm held well for men but not women.
When we finally made contact the paradigm had already been set.
So, you could off asked him, what's he mean by the word paradigm.
This paradigm does not work with a radio talk in the morning.
I would like to see a new paradigm for finding data.
"For the moment people still think they need them because that's the older paradigm of doing business."
Those results will probably break a few paradigms of their own.
Look within and see which paradigm feels right for you.
These studies now form the paradigm for much of modern cancer research.
"We have to change the paradigm that learning is not in," she said.
Gingrich has, of course, always been in the paradigm business.
Apple is not alone in trying to find a new paradigm.
Whether Americans are ready for another paradigm shift is not clear.
If the theory is basic, the paradigm may have to change.
There is a certain number of paradigms, each different from the other.
There has been a major paradigm shift in American society since 9/11.
As a product, however, it is a paradigm of success.
He wrote: when paradigms change, the world changes with them.
No matter what reality says, their paradigms stay the same.
In more recent studies, however, this paradigm has been questioned.