Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
This parenthetical for those who might not have read it in the journal.
How do I determine whether my argument needs a parenthetical?
Each of these books has a parenthetical word in its subtitle.
In that parenthetical, one glimpses the failure of our war.
If yes, then a parenthetical that points to the correct and specific information might be helpful.
Having calculated the parenthetical part of the expression, we start over again beginning with the left most value and move right.
The parenthetical number is how many people were assigned to the respective positions.
Frequently covered, the song is usually titled without the parenthetical lead.
There was a strange, allusive, parenthetical quality to the writing.
This parenthetical remark by the Commission must surely pull us up short.
Note: the parenthetical descriptions of the characters are Gilbert's own.
And the parenthetical comment is not intended to be an example of a false premise!
The parenthetical stage directions are straightforward and do not provide line readings.
Which raises a parenthetical question: Do female politicians have to kiss babies?
I'm glad the houses are close together in that part of the city, and insert same parenthetical remark as above.
The parenthetical designation changed to Air Assault in late 1974.
The narrative provides parenthetical translations of the conversations throughout the story.
Parenthetical dates indicate the performance had an earlier limited broadcast or recording.
A parenthetical alternative is the analysis of Miller (2011).
Corrects a misleading parenthetical explanation in article 35 of the 2008 Order.
That's why I put this particular aside in parentheses - because it's largely parenthetical.
However, these parenthetical comments are the source of much of the controversy.
"They're almost parenthetical elements in this otherwise huge event."
At precisely the moment you feel puzzled, a parenthetical or sidebar note often clears up the question.
The rescue, chase and happy resolution, though winsome, seem almost parenthetical.
No more parenthetic requests for the time, after that first one.
The girl flashed him a parenthetic look that was an admission.
Again she acknowledged him, at best, with a parenthetic nod.
They will simply need the occasional parenthetic remark in the course of what follows.
The parenthetic 'or should' is much in Walton's manner.
However, that little parenthetic statement about inability to define Quality as proof of incompetence did raise eyebrows within the department.
Then, in a parenthetic memory sequence, we see how this uncle shaped the heroine at various stages in her childhood.
A parenthetic look of reproof, a sideglance, between two phrases of the conversation in progress at the moment.
That Clemens appreciated his own tendencies is shown by the parenthetic line with which he opens his letter on the subject to Mr. Rogers.
The following is from the De Anima, translated by Joe Sachs, with some parenthetic notes about the Greek.
Between items in a series or listing containing internal punctuation, especially parenthetic commas, where the semicolons function as serial commas:
He wrote a weekly literary critique entitled "parenthetic phrase" in the Egyptian newspaper Al-Sha'ab, and then became responsible for the culture page in the same newspaper.
There was my parenthetic look of reproof, and there was the appropriate expression of distress on the face of the maid, lowered close to mine by the act of serving.
There were more false starts, repetitions and parenthetic remarks during hesitant phases in which a speaker looked at a listener and more of these disturbances in the immediately following 'fluent' phase.
Yes," said Mrs. Poyser, returning from a parenthetic glance at the cows, "that's allays the reason I'm to sit down wi', when you've a mind to do anything contrairy.
In contrast, Norwegian only requires a comma after the dependent clause; a comma is placed before it only if the clause is parenthetic (the same rule as in English).
He likes these parenthetic touches, as in his description of Donne, 'always preaching to himself, like an angel from a cloud,--BUT IN NONE.'
Bartle kept his eye on the moving figure till it passed into the darkness, while Vixen, in a state of divided affection, had twice run back to the house to bestow a parenthetic lick on her puppies.
Newton-John sings the primary vocals, with ELO (Jeff Lynne) adding "parenthetic" vocals in the style of their other songs on the Xanadu soundtrack, along with providing the instrumentation.
The length of this text is 109 letters (ignoring the parenthetic note on Greek), whereas the original text contains only 87 or 88 characters: Sams claimed the surplus letters are implied by phonetic shorthand.
His stimulus material was a film and he particularly noted the expression of parenthetic information (asides, or personal expression of feeling) in the recall of such events (something which does not appear in recall of verbally presented stories).
Note, however, Norwegian John, som hadde sett mannen, visste hvordan han så ut (John, who had seen the man, knew what he looked like), where the dependent clause is parenthetic.
Rules Govern; Skill Is Parenthetic The centerpiece of the Japanese health-insurance system is a thick green-and-white paperback book issued by the Health and Welfare Ministry, which sits on the desk of just about every health professional.
As a hungry little lad my stomach occasionally overruled my manners and the Grace would include a parenthetic rebuke such as, 'For what we are about to receive (and for what Stewart has already eaten) we give You thanks.'
In the orthography (used here) of the native Kiowa speaker, Parker McKenzie, who collaborated with both J.P. Harrington and Laurel Watkins, these are represented as below (parenthetic letters are used only at the end of the syllable):