Most times the established teams beat the part timers but very occasionally there was some "giant killing".
Of these, three - including one part timer - are going into private practice.
Southampton Town has 78 regular police officers, 31 part timers and 12 traffic controllers.
He said he had also planned to cut the hours of the 65 part timers.
Otherwise all it shows is that there are more part timers in the UK?
At this point of time, he also worked as a part timer in the Kohinoor International.
The older workers at Alexander's, many of them part timers, are too young to retire but fear no one will hire them.
In addition, part timers appeared to have a gentler touch when it came to parenting.
Mr. Silverman said the union had resisted the proposal for part timers.
The University has 1,100 full time faculty members and 200 part timers.