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The biggest impact was seen in active recreation, health, socializing, and participation in organizations.
Women are frequently debarred from democratic participation in organisations by virtue of being employed on a part-time basis and on precarious conditions.
Pentagon policy prohibits active participation in organizations that espouse racism, supremacism or any other activity that violates an individual's civil rights.
Participation in industry trade shows and participation in organizations is a key part of the marketing strategy of Kal Tire.
For many people, except for taking part in elections at various levels, their participation in organisations of this nature is their only experience linked to the democratic process.
The first major step towards a broader public engagement was the participation in organization of the First Croatian Science Festival for the Croatian national daily newspaper Vjesnik.
There was also much support for and participation in organizations such as Friends of the Phoenix Public Library, who raised awareness of the budget cuts and the effects they would have on the community.
In 2008 he received 'Letter of Thanks' from the Head of the Central Election Commission of Russia, Vladimir Churov for participation in organization of President elections of the Russian Federation.
A parallel can be seen in the United States, where student leaders of later phases of SNCC, and black nationalists such as Malcolm X, rejected white participation in organisations that intended to build black power.
Participation in organizations such as SNCC essentially marked the beginning of second-wave feminism in the US, which focused on changing social inequalities as opposed to the previous focus on legal issues in first-wave feminism.
Thus Scanlon plans have been utilized both as a means of saving firms from economic collapse as well as a mechanism for reducing labor and production costs and to provide increased worker participation in organization whose immediate economic situation is not bad.
Matthews' participation in organizations closely linked to the Communist Party led Richard Rovere to derisively describe Matthews as "the world's champion fellow traveler, joining Communist fronts as compulsively as a pie-eating champion eats pies."