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Then you can look over our partnership contract and we'll both sign it.
We'll have to review each one of their partnership contracts.
In all cases the partnership contract carries mutual recognition of value and interest.
At the time, this was the nation's largest public-private partnership contract.
The two entered into the first of two five-year partnership contracts.
It remains an open issue as to whether or not these quasi-marriage partnership contracts will be enforced with penalties.
For now, partners are barred from working for a competitor by a provision of the partnership contract.
Equally, a partner cannot be expelled by the other partners unless there is an express agreement to this effect in the partnership contract.
Some American partners are also eager to join other firms, but may be precluded from doing so because of a clause in their partnership contracts.
Partnership contracts must contain,inter alia, the individual financial or in specie contributions of the members.
The Commission has already made use of this instrument, notably in the field of humanitarian aid, through the framework partnership contracts.
To settle the question of ownership, regarding the tradership, an illicit partnership contract, authorized by Sec.
Universität der Bundeswehr has concluded partnership contracts with an increasing number of international universities.
More than 2,000 facilities from New York to California are operated in public-private partnership contract arrangements.
The Grand Central Partnership contract will run for two years, retroactive to Aug. 1.
Article with some general advice on finding contracts, choosing partners with complementary skills and setting up partnership contracts.
With box office receipts lagging in March 1884, Carte gave the six months' notice for a new opera required under the partnership contract.
Alternatives to the universal partnership exist in the form of life partnership contracts and contracts of agency.
Minca sued to force the CVG to submit the dispute to arbitration, as called for in the partnership contract.
On 20 December 2008, Feyenoord announced not to renew the partnership contract with Excelsior due to financial and flexibility reasons.
The IBU now has partnership contracts with five companies, and equipment contracts with fifteen.
Since 1992 the district has a partnershop with the Hungarian Pest (county), however the official signing of the partnership contract did take place in 2002 .
He had put in a special clause inserted in the Franklin partnership contract that his eldest son Peter could succeed him if he prematurely died.