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This is in no way a party political issue for us.
That is the only way to break free of party political games.
For example, it cannot campaign on issues which are seen as party political.
It was one man saying to another, Party political differences cut only so deep.
But we should not make party political capital out of his statement.
That said, he was (in later life) certainly not party political.
I am not in the least party political and very rarely vote.
I'd have thought this might be described as "party political in nature"!
This is not a question of propaganda or a party political campaign.
He was starting to sound like a party political broadcast.
The idea of holding the Festival became a party political issue.
A party political sign may be displayed outside the house on the street side.
The Minister himself was making a party political point in his reply.
That same year he began studies at the party political college in Prague.
Anyone with any sense doesn't get party political about this.
During elections, Number 10 cannot be used for party political purposes.
The first party political student clubs were also formed during the war.
Was it less of an interview and more a party political broadcast?
It is concerned with the machinery of government, state and party political administration.
Let me stress again that I am not trying to score party political points here.
Unfortunately, the immunity system has turned into a party political issue.
During the election time it shows the party political broadcasts.
It is quite legitimate for them to want to carry out party political activities.
Again there was a controversy over the possible party political implications of her words.
Asking them to vote on party political lines is ridiculous.