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Nothing is past hope, if such a miracle has happened."
I went with him; for poor August was past hope, and mamma would not let me help her.
She had healed those thought to be past hope.
Talia heard the words she'd been past hoping for- then saw her hope getting ready to walk out the door.
I hope not, but I'm already half-convinced that we're past hoping.
If they were mad and past hope and given up to folly.
The people here were tired, traumatized, almost past hope.
He wants to "live past hope," he tells the angel of death.
Dressed in a shredded wizard's robe, his eyes past hope and dreary.
These men were, he thought, doomed past hope, with the possible exception of Muspratt.
As they entered the cottage, they found all in great distress, for the boy seemed past hope of recovery.
Past hope, and in despair; that way past grace.
Highway 7 has gone all the way to a junction with Highway 1 just past Hope since 1973.
I have since noticed many instances of older couples, past hope for children, whose emotional lives have come to center upon some dog or cat.
The vines were absent, and the chambers were shabby past hope of disguise.
Spider tells us to struggle past hope.
The captain rubbed their avarice: "Gold and jewels past hope of counting are in the city.
He was way past hope.
Grafting: the science of bringing together the unlikely; of bringing back what it past hope.
Enneas was past hope; he must be delirious.
The Shin'a'in swordswoman was past hoping to end this quietly.
His voice was cold, dry, bitter, past passion, past hope, past strength to avenge.
When she is past hope, Camila moves to the countryside with her young boy, whom she calls Miguel.
Past hope . . . For her, as for so many, it had been the humiliation.
If she isn't past hope already.'