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"Pasteurized premium" juice that has been heat-treated but then kept cold and stored in waxed cardboard containers will provide the recommended daily allowance in an eight-ounce serving for up to 60 days.
A small amount of cheese is produced using pasteurised milk in the same range.
The period of ripening when made of pasteurised whole milk is about four to six weeks.
It continues as a pasteurised ale in kegs.
Other imbibers have gone over to the dark side of beer, rejecting the pasteurised lager produced by the breweries.
In 1973, Švyturys started making pasteurised beer, one of the first in Lithuania.
The nitrogenated and pasteurised variant of the beer available in kegs and cans.
Shropshire Blue is a blue cheese made from pasteurised cows' milk and uses vegetable rennet.
Like most largely pasteurised ale brands in the UK it has been in a state of managed decline.
The fil culture is needed when using pasteurised milk because the bacteria occurring naturally in milk are killed during the pasteurization process.
It is sold in pasteurised 500ml bottles in most Fuller's tied houses, and some UK supermarkets.
In 1991 EVGA started producing pasteurised juices under the Refresh brand.
I prefer to drink raw milk because I believe it to be more wholesome than standardised, homogenised, pasteurised milk.
Low or reduced fat dairy products such as milk, yoghurt, fromage frais and pasteurised cheeses.
London Porter is available in pasteurised 500ml bottles and in Fuller's tied houses as a seasonal cask ale.
Dominic and Fionnuala Gryson began producing cheese here in 2010 using pasteurised milk from his herd of goats.
Newcastle-based Lowrie Foods produces approximately 40 tonnes of pasteurised liquid egg per week to supply bakery customers.
He is credited with making pasteurised milk acceptable in England and campaigned for legislation to have imported skimmed milk marked "unfit for babies."
Hard pasteurised goat's cheese is something of a rarity, and prize-winning Corleggy Cheese is particularly rare due to its small production runs.
Fuller's Discovery is a blonde ale first brewed in 2005, and sold cask conditioned year round and in 500ml pasteurised bottles.
Fuller's Summer Ale is a seasonal blonde ale sold during the summer months both in casks and in 50 cl pasteurised bottles.
Artificial carbonation was introduced in the United Kingdom in 1936, with Watney's experimental pasteurised beer Red Barrel.
The cask-conditioned and canned versions are 4.5% abv; since April 2009, the pasteurised bottle versions have been 5% abv.
Fuller's Pale Ale is a pasteurised pale ale available in 275 ml bottles in most Fuller's tied houses.
Camembert is also made from pasteurised or fresh milk and, like Brie, it is the mass-produced pasteurised cheeses that are the most readily available.
The nitrogenated and pasteurised Creamflow was launched in 1995 and is available in kegs and cans, although the original cask conditioned product remains available.