Also, the path breaking power of L1 grammar is not dependent on the fact that both languages share similar grammatical features.
In his preface to Abachurina Post Office, Tejaswi expressed a path breaking observation towards then prevailing literary movements.
With the final print in hand, we can now say that Nil Nirjane is a path breaking movie in Indian context.
Indeed, Robert Trivers in the original path breaking paper of his that launched the whole theory of parent offspring conflict, without knowing it, predicted it.
Sweet Goddess was reported to be among the first path breaking collections that break this unwritten post-war publication rule.
The Election Commission of India has congratulated this agency on their path breaking efforts to fight tax evasion among politicians.
This was a path breaking moment in Ayurveda with a rigor to study Ayurveda scientifically.
There she presented a path breaking piece titled 'The Shift to the New Being'.
Owing to this path breaking trade, the film was remade into Tamil, Bengali, Oriya and Hindi.
'MuthyalaMuggu' is one of the path breaking films of yesteryears but the characters, story is very relevant even today.