Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Some of those films have been shown on pay cable.
He said that 27.6 million, or 61.4 percent, have pay cable.
The pay cable channels are losing much of their momentum.
It's bad enough that most Yankee games this year are being carried only on pay cable.
But to watch, you have to pay cable fees.
Some people compare the emerging world of satellite talk radio with pay cable.
Terms like pay cable versus free TV, however, are perfectly clear.
But pay cable did end up being unusually prominent.
Pay cable continues pursuing material that the commercial networks generally cannot touch.
Paid cable and satellite television have also been widespread.
The series has been the most popular program the pay cable channel has generated.
The series is, however, (according to Reuters) seen around the world on pay cable channels in about 100 territories.
There are two current examples, one on a basic channel, the other on pay cable.
Instead they pay cable operators a portion of the revenue they take in.
Supported not by advertisers but by subscribers, pay cable periodically says yes.
Today's hot performance artist in some dim cafe is next week's star on a sparkling comedy special made for pay cable.
The final balance sheet will be available a few years from now, after sales to foreign theaters, video cassettes and pay cable.
But, Abraham said, the pay cable service's approval of King was hardly binding.
Why would a sitcom (and one safely tucked away on pay cable) draw this sort of reaction?
Showtime is the most recent pay cable network to send its logo spinning in circles.
Showtime, which already has a deal in place with Lions Gate, will show the film on pay cable.
This week, must-see television is monopolized by pay cable.
And pay cable has still another advantage (depending on your point of view): censoring is extremely rare.
It won 109 nominations - the most the pay cable channel has ever received, and almost 50 percent more than any broadcast network garnered.
What goes around on pay cable comes around at least three or four more times; check local listings for future showings.