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But you do not have to be a peacenik to fear the cost of rushing in.
He needed them to see Brian as not only a peacenik but a devoted father.
"I'm a little of a peacenik in my own way.
Tom was already interested in various wars yet remained a peacenik.
So why is a peacenik garden writer learning how to use lethal firearms?
"A peacenik gave him some lip, so he hit him with his cast."
"You still think some honky peacenik getting killed is going to make people indignant.
Take your peacenik hippyism elsewhere, the world is about to get a lot more dangerous.
For years, doves have bought the illusion that he was a peacenik at heart who had to bring along the extremists of the "Arab street."
For some reason, this transforms Wendell 3d from peacenik into patriot.
"I am a peacenik, not a pacifist," he said.
"Supporting a Palestinian state used to be the peacenik position, an extreme left-wing position," she said.
-giving one another the peacenik sign, laughing like hell.
"He has a kind of peacenik attitude toward nuclear weapons," Mr. Cohen said.
Gore switched from being a pro-defense Democrat to a lefty peacenik - just before the 9/11 attack.
Actually, that Jon Huntsman sounds like a commie peacenik as well.
Did you see what the Israeli novelist and peacenik Amos Oz said last week?
But Hillary's not playing the vocal peacenik this time - she's the cagey hawk.
The Reagan administration's own proposal to eliminate nuclear weapons was sparked by the peacenik slogan "zero option."
A peacenik they called him.
He's a peacenik, self-proclaimed, totally opposed to our involvement in Southeast Asia.
One twosome, a man and a woman of practiced peacenik pretension, dramatized a telling scene from their relationship.
She is no peacenik, she said.
Not all actors are peacenik potheads.
But Ritter was a freelance peacenik.