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However many others were students, laborers, peasant farmers or teachers.
Most are peasant farmers who also need seed, he added.
His parents were peasant farmers and he only received about four years of school before starting work on the farm.
These lands were divided among local peasant farmers in 1914.
Maybe the same thing holds for gardeners from a long line of peasant farmers.
This, then, was the German peasant farmer coming out to meet their ship.
This was a German peasant farmer out doing his chores.
But he is a peasant farmer, so she will start secondary school here."
Many marchers were peasant farmers, demanding changes in land policy.
Wealthy Romans bought land from peasant farmers who could no longer make a living.
Some descendants moved to urban areas and gradually lost control of the land to peasant farmers.
The peasant farmers of Chile are getting the idea.
It is a society of peasant farmers working communally owned land.
He broke up the large holdings of the landowners and land to peasant farmers.
The government's equipment was inadequate and peasant farmers lost critical agriculture support.
They are mainly a community of small peasants farmers.
The community is now mainly made of small peasant farmers, traders and government servants.
Most of these migrants are peasant farmers, who cut forest to plant crops.
The German population reached about twenty million people, the great majority of whom were peasant farmers.
The majority of the population in the district belongs to the peasant farmer community and so their traditional food is very simple.
In contrast, the rural poor consisted mostly of peasant farmers.
About 85 percent of the population is estimated to be peasant farmers, who enter the money economy only marginally.
Before peasant farmers or small time traders can bring their products to market they usually need to buy an official permit.
A nice gift for some peasant farmer who would keep his mouth firmly shut.
But how were they to do that, in a countryside where every peasant farmer would recognize them instantly?