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If walk seems too pedestrian a word for such a creation, it is.
Even from limited experience, she saw it as a completely pedestrian pattern.
It is an entirely pedestrian area with no cars allowed.
The rest of the pieces here are honest but somewhat pedestrian work.
"It has the most pedestrian potential - and we're waiting for a coffee shop or a health food market."
Our daily life, it seemed, was too pedestrian to provide drama between hard covers.
Of course, there would be pedestrian areas, open space.
This almost exclusively pedestrian street is very popular with tourists.
There are plans to close off the street to most traffic to make it more pedestrian friendly.
But most were of a more pedestrian nature, austere and practical.
But for every glamorous diversion of this sort, there is sure to be a more pedestrian moment.
"Some of the letters are rather pedestrian as single items, but they help you tell a story.
So did a more pedestrian fear of public opinion.
And even those who still cling to the coat often do so for the most pedestrian reasons.
He'd make too much money as a computer engineer to waste his time in so pedestrian a pursuit.
A major revitalization effort in 2003, made this street more pedestrian friendly.
"To be driven to look at every new man in this hideously pedestrian way!"
But many a participant might have been distracted by private thoughts on a more pedestrian level, given the problems waiting at home.
As a result, even in these early suburbs, the overall city remained very pedestrian friendly.
"Everyone says that they're supportive of making our city and the world more pedestrian friendly.
But she was new, a veteran only of one so far woefully pedestrian tour.
The hotel office was designed to uplift its more pedestrian functions.
And around the intersection, there were pedestrian crossings on the streets.
There is also pedestrian access to the shoreline on either side of the park where anglers can fish for free.
It is a strictly pedestrian area, though fully handicapped accessible.