He could not, per his agreement and the curse Yellow had set against his return, enter that for himself-but he shouldn't need to.
However, per their agreement with the city, they still play most of their games during the day.
"Commission as per our agreement?"
Though he was unable to wrestle, Paul Heyman continued to pay him per their oral agreement, forging a loyalty between the men.
Per their nefarious pre-invasion agreement, everything east of these mountains belonged to the Fourth Reich forces.
Someone had to, or she couldn't go, per their agreement.
They faced off, and Musashi struck a single blow, per their agreement.
In 1849, negotiations between Short and the proprietors concluded, and a Council of Governors was established per their agreement.
She was then told by her previous label, Polygram Records, that she owed them another album, per her agreement.
Multiple teams of any number per your agreement.