Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Simulated; performing the functions of something that isn't really there.
He is essentially performing the function of a studio all by himself."
Each member is encouraged to speculate on alternative methods of performing the functions at lower cost.
In effect, the agency said, Sharp was claiming "any and every means for performing the function" of the algorithm.
The court also rejected his argument that the term "employee" was limited to "someone performing the functions of a public office."
Mechanism arrows that provide supporting means for performing the function join (point up to) the bottom of the box.
For most commands, like temperature settings and street address numbers, it confirms your choice before performing the function so you can correct any errors.
In the interim, the company has another individual that is performing the functions of CEO.
In performing the function of judicial review, the judges insist that their role is judicial and not political.
It is the main Lithuanian research library open to the public, and also performing the functions of a parliamentary library.
By 1845 Ellsworth's patent office was performing the functions of a full-fledged agricultural bureau.
Monsignor Sheeran is still president but is performing the functions of both president and chancellor.
And this time, performing the functions that the descolada had once fulfilled, was Ela's new recolada virus.
(2) To inquire into the manner in and extent to which the employee considered or studied material in performing the function.
(3) To inquire into the bases, reasons, mental processes, analyses, or conclusions of that Office employee in performing the function.
This allowed LC 580 users to watch and record video, essentially performing the function of a television as well as a computer.
Following are the essential qualifications and conditions for the leader: a. Scholarship, as required for performing the functions of religious leader in different fields.
Episodes usually end with Kirenenko damaging Mechanenko, reprogramming it into performing the function perfectly for him.
Trace fossils are formed by organisms performing the functions of their everyday life, such as walking, crawling, burrowing, boring, or feeding.
He could not draw wages for being a ship steward without faithfully performing the functions of ship steward.
Answer: The person performing the function of CEO at the time of the filing should provide the certification.
The limbs play a major part in the movement of the horse, with the legs performing the functions of absorbing impact, bearing weight, and providing thrust.
The CAB concluded that the "flight crew was not capable of performing the function or assuming the responsibility for the job they presumed to do."
This not only lets players feel as if they are actually performing the function, but also helps reinforce the correct muscle pattern for the activity being simulated.
That THKO was a unique organisation, performing the functions of both of these two organisations simultaneously.