Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The hair was new and had the look of permanence.
For what is more important than the permanence of the American nation and people?
All the permanence I could find was right in the present.
There was no permanence for him in this night's death.
And at last I began to develop a sense of permanence.
Your trouble is that you are looking for permanence in the wrong place.
There was no point in developing a system of any permanence.
She needed to feel some permanence, and this was now starting to happen.
But she was just three, after all, too young to grasp the permanence of death.
Like them, he found in nature a dynamic relationship between permanence and change.
The system has a look of permanence yet it is easy to take down and pack up.
"Everything we've experienced on earth seems to point toward the permanence of pain."
For more permanence, there are times when one must go indoors.
Each made a home there, with all the permanence that word implies.
Permanence in love, of course, is just about impossible to achieve.
The 4 last teams of every group played the Permanence round.
Search the room for a sign of permanence and none will be found.
But in response, I think we were all yearning for some kind of permanence.
For one thing, the trails they followed had no sense of permanence about them.
A community's geography and those who share it create permanence.
"For many years there was no thought of that permanence.
The signs brought a sense of permanence to the new reality that has taken hold here in the last five days.
Stage three would create character and permanence in the capital.
It was a permanence which they had shared since birth.
After each move, the promise of permanence has been elusive.