Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
In the city where he is living men are perpetually young.
I seemed perpetually to be getting out of his way.
I know of one case with a perpetually bad nature.
I've done the same sort of thing with a perpetually late friend and guess what?
A small example of this, which we are perpetually living within the north east is the following.
I am perpetually upon the scene when the best of the action is over.
They are perpetually guided by the wrong part of the body.
I have not been perpetually drunk for the past three months.
Something to do with them being perpetually scared I think.
He was born in the middle of a Japan perpetually at war.
But she is perpetually restless and at war with her past.
He had the air of being perpetually disturbed about something.
Perhaps it was the reason that he seemed to be perpetually angry.
For the first week after his attack he was perpetually violent.
Perpetually with an eye to the crack of the door.
In the morning all five awoke to a world that was perpetually dark.
She is perpetually single and has had few long-term relationships.
I was perpetually assigned the job of watching out for little brother.
The Chairman had the look of a man who was perpetually suspicious.
Cherry does not age, but perpetually has "just turned 18".
She is expected to be perpetually in coma from this point.
His eyes are described as deep brown and perpetually sad.
Or that perpetually working with those older than himself made him feel youthful.
How could I stay in a relationship where my partner was perpetually scared of me?