Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
But they do, and some are more personable than others.
If only people got to know him, they would see he's very personable.
"More personable is probably a better way to say it."
After all with a name like Guy, you have to learn to be personable.
The fans are personable, and they're not just a number.
Personable, good sense of humor, and seemed to know what he was doing.
He was one of the most charming and personable members in our 112 year history.
Many people believe small talk is very boring and not personable.
The personable chef has been getting it right for some time now.
The captain could see the man making an effort to be personable.
He then spent three hours talking, appearing personable if not quite personal.
White liked him for his personable nature and sense of style.
"I realized that I'm much more personable and better looking."
Beth was used to the eyes of personable men moving over her.
Under his present identity, that is; at other times, he had been more free and personable.
Always personable, the 30-year-old Stanley thought more about life after his father's death.
The guide is personable and well informed about the area.
Not a particularly rare condition in a well, made, personable and probably only son.
She was surprised at how personable and open Randy seemed.
"Because he's a very smart guy and he can be extremely personable."
They were clever or personable enough to get close to a couple of famous people.
Bright, gifted, personable, he could have done anything with his life.
He seems to be a bit more personable than the kid."
He was light on policy, and not - I thought, though it's a very personal thing - particularly warm or personable at all.
She is a personable, well-educated young woman with work experience.