Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The mysteriarch, without another word, turned back to his perusing of the drawings.
"I wouldn't dream of threatening you," he told her after perusing her once again.
Tonight she entered the council room just as Kang finished perusing the last dispatch.
This requires periodic perusing of the junk mail folder, but many people seem to be willing to do that.
These brochures will require some careful perusing.
He has often told me that at his first perusing of Euclid, that author was as easy to him as a newspaper.
By perusing my notes, someone could figure out where I'd been, who I'd talked to, and what I intended to do.
You arrive at the restaurant, spend a few minutes perusing the menu and - after the meal has been ordered - the real date finally begins.
(Caveat: In perusing the following, readers may fall victim to "medical school syndrome" and recognize every symptom as their own.
Perusing catalogues for a shiny new toaster-oven is just a futile exercise, since the old relic refuses to die.
Much of his wardrobe, therefore, is the product of careful perusing of sample sales, outlet stores and seasonal discount tables.
Iobates, on perusing the letters, was puzzled what to do, not willing to violate the claims of hospitality, yet wishing to oblige his son-in-law.
Esaak sat alone in one corner, perusing a book of some sort, and another apprentice-Kochar-sat at one of the larger circular tables.
Actually, the story goes that an art consultant arrived at his studio one day, and in perusing his photos noted that he had a checkered past.
"We decided to sail our Lulz Boat over to the PBS servers for further perusing."
Perusing the literature about the M5 is a trip through the exotic edge of automotive technology - German technology, to give credit where it is due.
In perusing the history of the distinguished characters of past ages, how often do we regret that the historian should have portrayed the hero rather than the man!
After perusing through a few other distracting spells, Lucy made all things visible in the magician's house (including Coriakin and Aslan himself).
He was a baseball catcher before a couple of thugs, hired by his own father (for not also perusing the family practice), broke his arm, ending his career.
The phones will allow high-speed perusing of the Web, with pages modified to be displayed on a small color screen - Web Lite, as some people here call it.
Together they pored over the deep-chopped letters, bringing to bear knowledge gained from the perusing of ancient treasure-maps and the deciphering of code-messages carried by intercepted spies.
Ben moved from the committee meeting to a reception with several of his judicial representatives that lasted only a short time, then on to a perusing of law documents concerning disputes over property.
To the Editor: Perusing shelves of shrink-wrapped CD-ROM's, Sarah Lyall might well wonder "Are These Books, or What?"
In perusing my usual news sources and other tidbits that my RSS feeder brings to my attention, I came across a blog post linking to this blog post.
You can duck down into the underground excavations before perusing artefacts taken from the Crypta, as well as items found in the forums and on the Oppio and Celio hills.