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The search for the city of Phasis has a long history.
Phases was once the plural of phasis, but the singular is now phase.
Hafiz clapped his hands together and shook them for em- phasis.
"After we lay hands on her," Aviendha said, nodding for em phasis.
From the 6th century, those churches, whose language remained Greek, were headed by a metropolitan in Phasis.
The Megafortress pilots noted the extreme em- phasis on the words "all" and "immediately."
"No." The word came with no uncertain em phasis.
"I'm not scared," Gibson replied with unnecessary em- phasis.
There was an entreaty in her tone, and a slight em- phasis that puzzled Jaxom.
Tarma flipped back over onto her side, her hand chopping at the pillow for em- phasis.
According to the classical sources, Phasis had its constitution, including the Aristotelian corpus of 158 politeiai.
During the Third Mithridatic War, Phasis came under Roman control.
Helva repeated with weary em- phasis.
Phasis River: Pisthetaerus claims to be a bird from this river because he wets himself with fear (line 68).
The town's location between the Black Sea and the River Phasis secured it from the east, north and west.
The name Poti is apparently linked to Phasis, but the etymology is a matter of a scholarly dispute.
Phasis: The River and City of Colchis.
Brauer's Arrowhead (Phasis braueri) is a butterfly of the Lycaenidae family.
This republic, with its uncommon em- phasis on personal freedom and human dignity, would not have endured as long as it has had we not helped.
Phaseides (Phasis River)
Apparently the lake which Strabo reported as bounding one side of Phasis has now engulfed it, or part of it.
Bight stinkfish (Foetorepus phasis)
Phasis appears in numerous Classical and early medieval sources as well as the Greek mythology, particularly an Argonautic cycle.
In 626, he asked Patriarch Sergius to approach Cyrus, Bishop of Phasis, to secure his cooperation.
He met up with the Roman Fleet in Phasis and commanded them to capture Mithridates, while he returned to Rome.