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Both men and women can phonate in the falsetto register.
However, some women are unable to phonate or comfortably produce sound in this register.
The brother couldn't phonate the word baby and instead referred to his new sibling as "bah."
Vocal range is the measure of the breadth of pitches that a human voice can phonate.
Depending on whether the tongue is maximally protruded and/or the patient asked to phonate, the scoring may vary.
Children can also phonate in the whistle register as can some men, though McKinney states this to be quite rare.
A well-trained singer or speaker can phonate two octaves or more in the modal register with consistent production, beauty of tone, dynamic variety, and vocal freedom.
The lower part of the whistle register may overlap the upper parts of the modal and falsetto registers, making it possible for singers to phonate these notes in different ways.
This procedure is done under local anesthetic, to allow the patient to phonate, thus allowing the surgeon to experiment with the best size and shape of the "button" for maximal remediation.
Men within the Countertenor and Tenor voice types can develop this part of the voice as well with a proper vocal training, and children can also phonate in the whistle register .