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It can mean significant savings on the cost of phoning home.
The interlude gave me a chance to do some phoning of my own.
You did the phoning I haven't got a clue.
They tried phoning Calhoun again but got the answering machine with the same message.
Ten minutes after that he is on the zipline and phoning Lori.
Erm I used the centre's resources like the phones and that for phoning round.
The forms are available on our website, go to or by phoning the Helpline.
But not for phoning, which is not a crime.
"Then think about her probably making her way home right now if she isn't already there and they haven't got round to phoning you.
He started phoning me and inviting me out to dinner."
Word is that Bush has been phoning Reagan constantly to ask whether he should do something or just lie low.
Emmy was sure it was Brian phoning but made no move to pick up the receiver.
What's brought you here, without my phoning, or begging, or praying? "
The nurse at the cottage hospital managed to hold the note in about fifty different ways before phoning us.'
"Laid outside the place where he was phoning and nabbed him when he came out.
Branson spent a frantic evening phoning around friends until he found her, and persuaded her to return.
"For phoning Jay in the first place."
There was no other explanation for her not phoning him or one of the girls, or somehow getting a message to him.
Thought it was better than phoning.
Phoning is a waste of time.
One lawyer who couldn't get through a day without phoning his office relaxed after sculling on the mirror-smooth lake at dawn.
Nevertheless, Father Keenan paused before phoning in to the war room, and spoke about his new chaplain's shield.
As soon as he heard the voice, though, he realized there could be much worse things in the world than Jenny phoning to cancel dinner.
She thought about phoning Kyle.
All explanations are in Spanish only, but English tours can be arranged by phoning in advance.