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Last week, he missed a start to take physical pressure off his right arm.
Mental and physical pressure is used to force the members to stay in this camp.
Why have you never used direct physical pressure on me?"
In fact, I feel nothing except the physical pressure of the device."
The report did not explain what would constitute "mild physical pressure."
Some of the accused have been made amenable by physical pressure.
From October 1994, when a suicide bomb killed 23 people, they were allowed to use "increased physical pressure".
He squeezed them hard, as if by physical pressure, the truth could be wrung out.
It also came to the conclusion that in future "mild physical pressure should not be avoided."
With the physical pressure, Evan could also feel a mental lassitude.
"Human beings able to resist any amount of physical pressure do not exist.
I rose to my feet, fighting against that yellowed gaze as if it was a physical pressure.
When Simeon spoke of squeezing he was not referring to physical pressure.
Reducing emotional stress will put less physical pressure on your body, especially your heart.
"The physical pressures to go along with playing for 11 months take a tremendous toll," Levy said.
The sense of backslid ing offered an almost physical pressure.
Shin Bet officials say the use of physical pressure has helped prevent some terrorist attacks.
The physical pressures at full voice were withstood but with demonstrable effort.
"Where are these other civilized states that overtly resort to moderate physical pressure?"
Bork felt the gaze almost as a physical pressure, and he shifted his big frame but slightly to see the cause.
This physical pressure of the light, which Innokenty had never noticed before, drove him to fury.
The most intense physical pressures on rural areas have, of course, been in the urban fringes.
He said that his television broadcast had not been written under physical pressure but "under the constraints of the situation".
She fixed her eyes on him, and he felt it like a physical pressure, as if she were sending a thought wave across the table.
The commission acknowledged that "moderate physical pressure" might sometimes be necessary as an interrogation tool.