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The camera head could not generate a video picture signal on its own.
Now then," Tom went on, "the telejector also beams out a picture signal.
A wideband amplifier used for passing picture signals.
Nearly all of the system's intelligence - shaping, sequencing and storing picture signals - would have to be located at the broadcasting center."
The total area, occupied by the television picture, which is scanned while the picture signal is not blanked.
"The electric field drew in the whole picture signal so that none was picked up by the TV antenna-is that it?"
The combined picture signal, including vertical and horizontal blanking and synchronizing signals.
The picture signal.
A digital television immediately decodes the incoming sound and picture signals and converts them into an 8-bit digital code.
(But when connected to a television, all of the DVD players reviewed here send out identical, perfect picture signals.)
Second-the power surge that overheated the set last night is also a reaction, which is caused when our picture signal is reflected back from the Orb."
Last, he assigned Dr. Grimsey to devise a high-voltage energy-charger to activate the particles so the 3-D picture signal would make them glow.
In television, a factor expressing the incident illumination upon a specified scene required to produce a specified picture signal at the output terminals of a television camera.
The portion of a composite picture signal that lies between the leading edge of the horizontal blanking pulse and the leading edge of the corresponding sync pulse.
The modem would generate audio tones between 1200 and 2300 Hz from picture signals, and picture signals from received audio tones.
Everyone watched with bated breath as Tom switched on his 3-D telejector and tuned several dials to amplify the picture signals being relayed back to earth by the Video Vikings.
A device which functions during the horizontal blanking or synchronizing interval to fix the level of the picture signal at some predetermined reference level at the beginning of each scanning line.
There the amplifier takes the very weak signal received from a communications satellite hovering over the equator at an altitude of 22,300 miles, and it increases the volume and the picture signal perhaps 200,000 times.
A composite colour video signal inherently carries the same reference signals and can be used as a generator locking signal, albeit at the risk of being disturbed by out of specification picture signals.
This limitation was due to the fact that the picture signal was "segmented," or broken down into discrete segments to be recorded on the tape individually (only 16 lines of the picture in each segment).
"The picture signal could have been trans- 64 3-D TELEJECTOR mitted for miles by infrared beam, and neither Enterprises nor the FCC would have detected it."
VHS hi-fi stereo sound, unlike VHS mono, is encoded at high speed along with the picture signals in the same way as Video 8 hi-fi, and hence has the same high standard of audio quality.
When satellite transmission of picture signals started in the mid 1990s, Pebble Mill gained several satellite dishes on its roof and also had fibre optics installed as well as more permanent links to Birmingham's BT tower.
The picture signal is minimally processed internally, simply for demodulation from a radio-frequency (RF) carrier wave (for televisions), and then splitting into separate signals for the red, green, and blue electron guns, and for timing of the vertical and horizontal sync.
A potentiometer was often used to adjust "vertical hold", which affected the synchronization between the receiver's internal sweep circuit (sometimes a multivibrator) and the received picture signal, along with other things such as audio-video carrier offset, tuning frequency (for push-button sets) and so on.