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All you can do is look at the complicated mix of human behavior and try to piece out a story.
He tried to piece out what this could mean.
For a moment his mind wandered, piecing out what had happened.
The railroad hadn't killed him yet, and he pieced out a lot for me.
His honor guard had to piece out their uniforms with personal articles.
It came again, and he listened more closely, piecing out the letters.
He was waiting, while Nipper fired at intervals, trying to piece out what had happened.
In moments tears were streaming down her face as she pieced out the lyrics.
"I'm with Britney when most of her wardrobe is pieced out.
I have some old shirts, sir, that could perhaps be pieced out,' said Oakes.
After years of research, Lindsay had pieced out the truth about the Commander's crime.
But with the Ninth, the civilian casualties came in dribbles and were pieced out over a long time.
Piecing out the odds you might say, and throwing him- self a spot of business now and then.
So we pieced out from some things Dr. Gunston said.
I came from Xanth too," she reminded her, still piecing out the long-unused words. "
The Sludge was still getting organized, piecing out bits of melody, trying to integrate unfamiliar elements.
He tried to piece out from the wreckage there what had been happening in the hours since he and Kimber had returned.
Lorena could only piece out a few words--the sisters planned to teach her reading, but knew it would have to wait until she felt better.
What they dredged up there couldn't be explained by any logic based on the history we knew and the prehistory we had pieced out.
Now she was peering ahead through the rain, along the beam of the headlamps, piecing out the view from subliminal cues and imagination.
Easy," Hans muttered and shrugged, eyes trying to piece out what the Fujiki Amplifier did. "
As his lathered horse worked his way up the steep bank, he tried to piece out what kind of a man would never be seen without a gun.
She is the driving force for chaos in Highbury, carrying secrets with her that Mr. Nolte's character must try to piece out.
The tan, gray and white cover is designed with motifs abstracted from nature that are pieced out in quillwork in repeating geometric devices.
It was awkward, because he was still a bit too far away, and the angle was bad, but he was just able to piece out the words.