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I said that in the UK we do not have pigswill.
Here we have the example of pigswill.
"So why are you at this pigswill?"
Mr Goodwill referred to fears in his country that foot and mouth disease had been caused by the use of pigswill as feed.
I would therefore regard a general ban on the use of pigswill for animal feed as an unduly draconian measure.
Does it become even dirtier when politicians have to deal with such unsavoury matters as pigswill and abattoir waste?
But historically in the UK, we carried out our processing of catering waste on farms - so-called pigswill.
Reminds me of pigswill."
'That's what I feel like,' Jinny said bitterly as she lifted the pan of pigswill off the range.
Much of that is ceremonial pigswill, but it is clear that this lady Anna dislikes men who try to subdue women."
How on earth could I explain that you've decided to go for a swim in pigswill instead of producing top-flight theatre and other types of circus?'
This red tinted pigswill just reminds me of why I never vote have voted for the Red Tories and quite probably never will.
To allow the use of pigswill, the Committee on the Environment adopted Amendment No 10 on the recycling of catering waste.
They felt so grateful to the CWPR for protecting them - even though they couldn't afford pigswill and potato peelings for their supper anymore.
I might also add that the outbreak of classical swine fever in the Netherlands in 1997 was also caused by the feeding of pigswill in neighbouring Germany.
Many of the merchant banks are up to their hocks in pigswill drug trade profits, banks such as Hambros for example, run by Sir Jocelyn Hambro.
I hate to use these beautiful words in the context of "Beatlemania"; it reminds me of how wrongly the word "lover" is used when referring to the filthy interaction between two homosexuals writhing in pigswill.
We very much support the ban on the use of catering waste in animal feed, not least because the likely cause of the foot and mouth disease outbreak in the United Kingdom was the use of pigswill as feed.