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I looked at the pinpricks of light in the wall.
It was the same way with the pinpricks on my face.
They want to look at his hands to see if there are pinpricks, you know.
Pinpricks of pain made her hand feel hot and cold at the same time.
The house was dark but for the red pinprick of light on the armed security system.
How do these pinpricks in the population manage when they're away from home?
"But they are strong enough to start challenging the Government with more than pinpricks."
She looked up at him, pinpricks of light dancing before her eyes.
There was no pinprick of light in the invisible wall before her.
Each time my name was said by these strangers it felt like a pinprick.
A mere pinprick, yet it was some kind of hope, although not a lot.
She felt the steel drive into her back, but it seemed no more than a pinprick.
How is that for a pinprick to a coach's confidence?
The pinpricks were no longer so painful on my skin.
There came the pinprick of her teeth in my neck.
"Do not be surprised if other pinpricks come, very soon."
Kirk could see pinpricks of red fire spring up around it.
There were pinpricks of light about it that had to be planets.
But she could have been slipped something somewhere, through a pinprick.
After leaving the store, I felt the first pinpricks of panic.
"It's just a pinprick for them against the big countries.
But at least the beast found a suspect pinprick of light.
But each strike was like a pinprick against such a creature.
This first symptom is usually pain similar to a pinprick.
Two pinpricks of yellow light lived in the control panel.