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Those people should just shut up and go their own way.
She told the voice to shut up and go away.
Oh shut up what are you on about three words per line?
In the end I told them, and they shut up.
Just tell me to shut up any time you like.
Yes so why did you say shut up in the first place?
He says to me, could you shut up know what I mean?
Then I shut up, so he could hear the rest.
Black shut up, still not sure which side she was on.
Or was I the one who had been shut up in here?
He told them to shut up and not to say anything.
And like I said, you always gave good shut up.
Then I shut up and tried to get hold of myself.
He had never been so shut up in a place.
She should have shut up, but for once did not.
I'll shut up and stop trying to run your life.
Now just shut up until you are off my hands.
He shut up long enough to get out and hit again.
I looked at him for a moment, and he shut up.
And just about then is when I tell the voice to shut up.
I really should shut up his words and never tell them, for he was not himself.
And how are we going to help anyone if they keep us shut up?
Do you want to talk at all, or should I just shut up?
I've found out whose child I am, so shut up and let me go on.
Then he'd be able to shut up the place and get off in good time.