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It was by that time hard on ten o'clock, and we turned at once into the place of sale.
These were both places of sale as well as consumption.
Frozen custard is usually prepared fresh at the place of sale, rather than stored; however, it is occasionally available in supermarkets or by mail order.
Retail prices vary widely between countries, brands, bottle sizes (0.33 liter to 20 liters) and place of sale (supermarket, restaurant etc.).
Ironmongery originally referred, first, to the manufacture of iron goods and, second, to the place of sale of such items for domestic rather than industrial use.
The technology also exists to create a national database that would link the ballistic fingerprint of an individual gun to its place of sale and its owner.
The catch is cleaned, filleted and then frozen on the trawlers within five hours which guarantees freshness and quality when the fish reaches the place of sale.
The space that baskets would normally take on a transport led to a system of semi construction in the town, with final assembly taking place in the place of sale.
The captain saw and recognized him at sight, and one morning he asked the young man, saying, "Prithee tell me, who is he that ever and anon cometh to thee at thy place of sale?"
The greenhouse could also be used as a place of sale for cuttings from various National Trust properties, said Ms. Brendel-Pandich, who is holding informal talks with several area nurseries interested in operating a business at Lyndhurst under a lease arrangement.
AN open and exact statement of the clear value of the property and of the time, the circumstances, and the place of sale were all necessary to efface as much as possible the stigma that has hitherto been branded on every kind of land-bank.
However, federal legislation also aims to prohibit intentional interference of weapon sales to criminals domestically and insurgents abroad by prohibition of ATF and local law enforcement from access to digital databases for the purpose of idenfitication of the place of sale for weapons recovered at crime scenes.
"On Thursday ... will be sold by publick vendue at the Sun Tavern on Dock Square at five a clock p.m. Four likely negros, and sundry sort of merchandize, all to be seen at the place of sale from two of the clock till the sale begins."
A further question is, whether the State, while it permits, should nevertheless indirectly discourage conduct which it deems contrary to the best interests of the agent; whether, for example, it should take measures to render the means of drunkenness more costly, or add to the difficulty of procuring them by limiting the number of the places of sale.