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I see you are a plain speaker, so let me be equally frank.
If we teach ourselves to say what we feel, we'll become known as plain speakers.
The general regards himself as a plain speaker.
He's a very plain speaker and a traditional populist."
I do so admire a plain speaker.
"Mammy was a plain speaker, I take it."
"Good, you are a plain speaker.
He gathered previously published essays for the collection The Plain Speaker, writing a few new ones in the process.
'You are a plain speaker, Captain Clarke,' said he.
And I was moved by the story of Hagel's upbringing; perhaps that is what inspires him to be a plain speaker.
"That's what we need: plain speakers."
Seb Rawlings be a plain speaker and it's clear they believes what he says to be true.
"A plain speaker, isn't he?"
(A number were saved for later publication in The Plain Speaker in 1826, while others remained uncollected.)
By contrast, Mr. Brown is seen as a plain speaker, a stalwart, a man of integrity who combines old Labor values with necessary financial prudence.
A plain speaker without airs or affectations, the Chief fostered a spirit of collegiality among the nine of us perhaps unparalleled in the Court's history.
To the Editor: In the debate on Thursday night, George W. Bush came across as down to earth, likable, a plain speaker.
'You're a plain speaker, sir.'
Both chairman and chief executive of United Parcel Service since 2002, Michael L. Eskew is known as a plain speaker.
The Standard-Speaker, daily newspaper, name merged from the Standard Sentinel (morning paper) and Plain Speaker (evening paper)
What draws them to his campaign isn't his views on welfare-dependency, Israel, or monetary policy, but his reputation as an outsider, a plain speaker, and a scourge of the political establishment.
'It may be my long absence and inexperience that lead me to the conclusion; but if plain speakers are scarce in this part of the world, I fancy plain dealers are still scarcer.
As at Paris, and sometimes other stopping points such as Florence, he continued to write, producing one or two essays later included in The Plain Speaker, as well as some miscellaneous pieces.
A Plain Speaker Mr. Shoval, a colleague since the 1950's, said Mr. Tekoah belied the stereotype of a diplomat who avoids plain language and confrontations whenever possible.