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The word plaquette is not usually used for outdoor plaques fixed to walls.
Approximately 30 years later Martinair added there a plaquette with only the eight names of the crew.
Immerse the section or plaquette in boiling reagent for at least five minutes.
On the back, each plaquette has two pierced holes so the plaquettes can be hung for display.
In the last-mentioned case the plaquette is "geometrically frustrated".
The house is now converted to a hotel-restaurant, with a small plaquette at the door denoting the birthplace.
A plaquette is a small plaque.
In 1994 this was commemorated by a plaquette at the Mormorsgruvan mine of Åtvidaberg.
In Alberti's self-portrait, a large plaquette, he is clothed as a Roman.
There is a plaquette named after Ljubomir P Nenadović.
The simplest is the 'Wilson action', in which the Wilson loop is just a plaquette.
Although the term "pastiglia" is not typically used to describe them, it is appropriate to mention "plaquette" bookbindings here.
Procedure: Immerse the plaquette or thin section in the Fiegl's solution for about 10 min at 20 C.
The show was awarded a Plaquette at the international Montreux TV Festival.
Roty, in particular, introduced the Renaissance form of the plaquette, which further emphasized the significance of the medal as a work of art.
A plaquette is a small plaque, but in English, unlike many European languages, the term is not typically used for outdoor plaques fixed to walls.
Immerse the thin section or plaquette in boiling Titan yellow reagent for at least 5 min until a deep orange-red colouration is formed.
He was also the first to use original designs, several of which showed scenes from Livy; altogether 25 Italian plaquette bindings for Grolier survive.
Portrait-plaquette of Abraham Lincoln (the same plaquette that was used in the design of the Lincoln cent)
In 1937 the city of Paris bought her plaquette called The Hunting (La Chasse) and an engraved vase.
Small forms of sculpture include the figurine, normally a statue that is no more than say 18 inches tall, and for reliefs the plaquette, medal or coin.
Where here we use to denote the edges touching the vertex , and to denote the edges surrounding the plaquette .
(English: Aube's hemiptera-heteroptera census by Dufour-Bouquot and Plaquette) Troyes (1891).
If the graph G has quadratic or triangular faces P, the so-called "plaquette variables" , "loop-products" of the following kind, appear:
Catalogue des Hémiptères-Hétéroptères de l'Aube Dufour-Bouquot Plaquette.