Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
I heard the plash as they went back into the swamp.
Every now and again a quiet plash of water against the hull.
I heard outside the incessant plash of the rain in the street.
They could only sit and listen for the plash of oars.
Start with the third plash after the next.
The next moment he heard the neat plash of a dive as the watcher took to the water.
He soon heard the plash of the fountain.
The plash of flowing water is authentically audible throughout this scene.
He sat at the bottom of the pit, where the great drops of water fell plash.
Suddenly, above the plash of rain and whistle of wind, he heard outcries in the street.
Plash can run programs in a secure, restricted execution environment with access to a limited subset of your files.
Then another roll more distant yet, and beneath those sounds the steady plash and drip of rain.
I heard the distant singing of many birds mingled with the ripple and plash of waters.
The air was filled with the heavy plash of water falling in cascades from the gutters of the roof.
Its tires parted the puddles with a percolative burble and plash.
There was a faint plash as the green veil of weeds was lifted aside, exposing an underwater passage.
The thud and plash of saddled lamoids' padded, two-toed feet.
Plash is geared towards granting authority dynamically.
The red mare moved ahead of her and the enemy warrior died in a plash of blood and splintered bone.
They sat like three rooks on the stone step of the dolphin fountain, under cover of the plash of water.
Men jumped on to the bank to secure it, and the man who had given the orders leapt overboard with a silver plash, two others behind him.
He looked to the west just in time to see a pair of gleam- ing eyes sink into the water with a scarcely perceptible plash.
Interrupted briefly in our private musings, the rest of us laugh, too, as if the plash of mild liquid has fallen on all our heads.
Some time passed in silence, except for the quick plash and thud of Draffut's feet, while Nestor pondered many things.
We three listened to the roar of the flooded washes, the drum of the rain and, faintly, the plash of the leaking roof.
But the summer will not be without its big foreign splash.
I saw a splash, far down in the taking water.
She let him go, and he went down with a splash.
But I thought at least he'd go out with a splash of blood.
And a single, splash did not have to mean anything.
The men in the third car had heard the splash.
I heard water splash but kept my eyes to the south.
A splash of light from the street cut across the floor.
But I did begin to see why we had not made a big splash in the news.
The river was too far down even to see the splash.
It had been just a splash of his blood three days ago.
It was quite a time before he heard the splash.
A second later there was the sound of a splash.
There was a splash as the body hit the water.
It was just a splash on top of the water.
It is not easy these days to make a splash with a show house.
It all means the economy is likely to end the year with a splash.
Sometimes there was a splash in the air behind where the head had been.
In time, Hill is likely to make a similar splash.
It was a splash that I had only heard once before.
What, after all, does it take to make a splash here?
Story, look a splash said on page four five oh!
Once at top you go straight down to the water with a big splash.
All at once there was a huge red splash in the air.
She made a splash as her parties became the place to be.
Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Water plashed against his legs and hands, feeling more real by the moment.
Little ripples plashed against the side of the Cob.
Still, the unicorn floated limply, and small waves plashed over his face.
Toward dawn, a blue heron sailed out of the dark sky and plashed into the shallows.
The servants plashed their buckets into the bath.
They plashed heedlessly through puddles and scrabbled over slopes of wet grass.
Once or twice they plashed through tenuous streams trickling down through the salt marshes to the sea.
Harry tightened his knees upon Barbarossa's glossy barrel, and plashed forward into the shallows of the ford.
The watery fluid plashed against my cheeks; as it did so I felt a novel sensation, a sloughing, pulling and slipping of the skin.
Young Bunyan, with all his blackguardism, had never plashed down Beelzebub's orchard.
The reeds shivered and rustled; Holger's footsteps plashed startlingly loud.
The shrubs and flower beds were all in bloom, the songs of birds filled the air, the fountains plashed in a peaceful undertone.
The stone-and-tile fountain plashed softly, a breeze occasionally blowing spray out onto the surround-ing paving stones.
Water belled from the crown of the fountain, a perfect, circular fall, and plashed from shelf to shelf, translucent in the lamplight.
In the courtyard this week, water plashed from the original stone fountain, and little-girl-pink impatiens flowed from terra-cotta urns.
The Californian winter was on, and the incessant rain plashed in the deserted streets, or, lifted by irregular gusts of wind, was hurled against the houses with incredible fury.
The first rain drops of the storm plashed on the path below the veranda; a cool breeze drifted around Mr Turner as he sat with Morgan in the darkness.
She had first come to Xanth when Sammy had plashed off to find a feather, and she had followed him so ;$B wouldn't get lost, but gotten lost herself.
It will be well with them if they do not lie down torn to pieces on their bed in hell, and curse the day they first plashed down into their youthful hands the vine of Sodom.
But this was his place, known and loved, every dyad and every clump of campion, even the speed of water as it lofted off stone and plashed down in its smooth silver shapes.
The alley was as foul as I'd expected, the water that plashed around my hapless shoes awash with pale shapeless things half floating, its muddy shallows releasing a terrible stench as I disturbed them.
Instead of a waistcoat plashed with blood--as popular imagination pictured it--it was a gray waistcoat, with one spot and a slight smear of blood, which admitted of a very simple explanation.
Now and then they plashed into a pool of rain; now and then they came upon twigs growing out of the trunk where they had no business, and they were as large as full-grown poplars.
About their bared legs the shallow water plashed in palest blues and greens over the gold of sand, and the sky above them was blue almost to whiteness, with a scatter of whiter clouds diaphanous as feathers.
The Queen, still gazing on that which her son's dancing eyes still returned to, the louring gleam upon Teremne, drew him back a little under the shelter of the portico as the first thunder-drops plashed on the outer paving.
Go to the can and splash some water on your face or something.
Perhaps on her very last day off she would splash out.
He shot 29 times, so some of them had to splash in.
I'll splash a little cold water on my face, she told herself.
After a while, he'd come back and splash some more.
Both the old man and the boy were splashed with red.
Then his life splashed into her eyes, and she could no longer see.
They turned and splashed their way out of the water.
He wanted to splash in the cool water and run to the other side.
He splashed his feet in the water for a moment.
He splashed his way to me and I held out my hands.
And in the dark, the sound of water, splashing down over him.
I can hear things splashing in the water, some of them quite large.
They heard splashing to the left and two more came in.
He got up and splashed some water on his face.
He went to the rest room and splashed his face with water.
She turned the water on way too hard and splashed herself.
He splashes oil the rest of the way to the wall.
A year ago it would have been splashed across the front.
Fish heard the man splashing away, and then his father came in.
His two little girls were in the water, splashing around.
Two people were splashing in the water next to it.
Now you at home would actually use warm water to splash over your face.
Less than 12 hours later, the story was splashed across the paper's front page.
If you try to splash me, I'll get out of the lake.
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