"We've been playing catchup with decades of deinstitutionalization," he said.
He said the insurers were still playing catchup after four lean years from 1996 to 1999 when premiums did not cover costs.
The relatively easy victory was a welcome change for the Mets, who have found themselves playing catchup in nearly every game this season.
For the women's team, most of the rest of the world is playing catchup.
"When we opened, no one had heard of us, and we've been playing catchup ever since."
"No, but we can listen for him if he tries to play catchup."
For well over a decade, television has been taking on a multicultural cast, playing catchup with the society itself.
Moore's Minutemen, who started the season on what should have been the fourth weekend of play, are playing catchup in more ways than one.
It will be tough to play catchup in this game, especially for New York.
Now, stores and designers are playing catchup with their publicity machines, the magazines.