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For a while we all played footsie under the water.
And some of those people may choose to play footsie with the press.
When we're eating in public she likes to play footsie under the table.
Let's suppose you fire her for playing footsie with the opposition.
Does anyone out there know we're playing footsie with a bottle of soup?
"I came here tonight for information, not to play footsie with the Master of the City."
It is just dishonest playing footsie with people to promote the dirty green game.
Roseman tried to play footsie with her under the table.
Jeremy slipped his left shoe off and to play footsie with Carol under the table.
"Why would I give it away for free on the Internet while playing footsie with strangers?"
At night, he recoils in bed as I try playing footsie with him, the ultimate humiliation.
You want to play footsie with the Russians?
"Frankly, based on the evidence we've seen, this may not have been the first time these companies appeared to have played footsie."
Dotty was her usual self, teasing me and playing footsie under the table.
"Would you like me to play footsie with you?
"So if Ford is going to play footsie with the rules, so are we," she shouted.
Even during verses, the guitars were teasing one another, like lovers playing footsie at a dinner party.
And started playing footsie under the table.
San Antonio and Benson had begun to play footsie.
There isn't anyone can play footsie with the ogre."
Madeleine played footsie with me under the table and Emmett toasted me back.
He declared himself a "trial man," a lawyer who did not "play footsie" with his clients or stoop to holding hands.
"You'd play footsie with the Archangel Michael's sister if she'd let you; and she probably would.
They came out again and, during the meal, they played footsie and stroked each other.
He was evidently not going to play footsie with, or show any favoritism whatever toward, any woman aboard the ship.